The Resisters Podcast

Hosted by Chris Vaeth

A podcast featuring conversations with all the people trying to save us from Donald Trump.

Amanda Werner: Monopoly Man

You may best know Amanda Werner for their Monopoly Man character that trolled former Equifax CEO Richard Smith at a congressional hearing in October 2017.

Amanda took on the character to help the public better understand the issue of forced arbitration (what consumer advocates call “ripoff clauses” and “get out of jail free cards”). 

The issue became national news in the wake of the massive Equifax data breach and the Wells Fargo fake account scandal, and when the Republican-controlled Congress overturned a pro-consumer rule on arbitration just finalized by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

Chris and Amanda discuss exactly what Equifax and Wells Fargo did to consumers, how political comedy and satire can help drive social change, how Amanda's Monopoly Man character started a conversation not only about corporate accountability but also about gender identity, and the fate of the CFPB in the Trump era.
